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FoCH Rulebook
12. Web Page/Computer Requirements
All transactions, league notifications and communications, with the exception of private trade talks, Waiver claims and Free Agent bids, will take place at the website. Waiver claims and Free Agent bids must be submitted to fochfa AT
13. League Deadlines
The Federation of Calculated Hockey will adhere to the following deadlines. These are described in various other locations in the rulebook, but are being placed together here as a matter of convenience.
Trading Deadlines
Teams are free to make trades at any time, with the exception of the period of time when 4 full weeks* remain in the regular season until the end of the playoffs, and from the period of midnight of the day before the opening of the NHL regular season until the beginning of the draft.
Scoring Week
The scoring week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday.
Rosters are considered to be frozen on midnight of the day before the start of the NHL regular season.
14. Governance
The league is governed by a Committee of the Whole consisting of all team owners. The Committee may designate league officials as it deems appropriate. The committee will also vote on all rule changes.
Any dispute will be resolved by a vote of all teams not involved therein. For an existing rule to be modified, the League requires approval of 66 % of all votes cast at the rules meeting. For an existing rule to be overturned, the League requires 75% approval of all votes cast at the rules meeting.
Once a rule has been proposed, the only way that the proposal may be changed is with the approval of the author of the proposal.
In order for a new rule to be implemented, a majority of league members present at the rules meeting must vote in favor.
A rule approved at a league meeting will go into effect beginning the following season unless otherwise specified.