Federation of Calculated Hockey, 2010-2011 Season

By greyfoxes, 17 September, 2006

I agree w/ Mike that a guy must be in the league at least 1 full season before being put on the list. 3 is a reasonable amount of players on the list IMHO because it should only be the best of the best, or the guys that are the face of the franchise.


By greyfoxes, 17 September, 2006

JB had an issue last year where he had to send an email 1 week to get his active roster in. He made no changes for several weeks after, but his active list "changed" because Mike went by what was on the website for the following weeks.

How do we avoid this issue in the future? Which takes precedence?

By admin, 15 August, 2006

I would like input about what we liked about this site, what we didn't like...what we'd like to see changed. I can assure you that the rule book WILL be posted this year. Hopefully before the season starts. Anyway, constructive (not destructive) criticism and ideas are greatly appreciated.

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